
I really enjoyed the Invigor course, especially the lectures with experts. I learnt a lot and feel more empowered going forward.


I really enjoyed the Invigor course, especially the lectures with experts. I learnt a lot and feel more empowered going forward.


I just wanted to say a belated thank you for your recent Invigor course. It was just what I needed just when I needed it!

I thought the whole programme was really well put together and the weekly newsletters really summed it all up well. 


First of all a massive THANK YOU for running this course - my goodness It’s going to really make a difference!

Every sentence made sense! Wow!

...thank you for the programme! I got lots from the sessions, including the confidence to go to my GP about HRT which I'm starting on this week…I enjoyed the breadth of the topics which were very informative and the speakers were excellent. Also liked how the takeaways were kept simple and achievable. I'm still a beginner when it comes to the strength sessions but I've really enjoyed them and plan to re-do the videos.

JS Invigor LIVE

For someone just entering their forties, who already enjoys exercising and the associated health and mental benefits, I really had very little understanding of what to expect when the menopause hits! 

The Invigor course has been brilliant, a wealth of vital information broken down into weekly topics, all immensely interesting and helpful.

I now feel much more prepared for this new phase and understand how my current training can be improved to help with some of the symptoms - invaluable! 


I just wanted to say a belated thank you for your recent Invigor course. It was just what I needed just when I needed it!

I thought the whole programme was really well put together and the weekly newsletters really summed it all up well. 


First of all a massive THANK YOU for running this course - my goodness It’s going to really make a difference!

Every sentence made sense! Wow!

...thank you for the programme! I got lots from the sessions, including the confidence to go to my GP about HRT which I'm starting on this week…I enjoyed the breadth of the topics which were very informative and the speakers were excellent. Also liked how the takeaways were kept simple and achievable. I'm still a beginner when it comes to the strength sessions but I've really enjoyed them and plan to re-do the videos.

JS Invigor LIVE

For someone just entering their forties, who already enjoys exercising and the associated health and mental benefits, I really had very little understanding of what to expect when the menopause hits! 

The Invigor course has been brilliant, a wealth of vital information broken down into weekly topics, all immensely interesting and helpful.

I now feel much more prepared for this new phase and understand how my current training can be improved to help with some of the symptoms - invaluable! 

NO more expensive gym membership, no more faddy diets, no more feeling confused and worried about what is happening to your body.

6 FREE strategies6 Weeks of education and action4 Weeks to kick your nutrition into touch.

In just 3 months, if you have implemented our strategies, watched our expert presentations, completed our strength workouts, and tweaked your nutrition - you WILL feel transformed, no longer on the path of midlife limbo, but stronger in mind and body and have rediscovered the 'YOU' you used to be!