About Us

Nicky and Jo founded Invigor in 2020 during the global Coronovirus pandemic.

They both experienced the impact of their changing bodies.

For Jo it was heart palpitations, brain fog and aching joints.

For Nicky it was weight gain, anxiety and night sweats.

They are qualified fitness instructors and united by their passion for helping women in their 40s and 50s to thrive in midlife, they created Invigor Life.

They want to re-educate and support women to grow in confidence and not just survive during what has traditionally been a challenging and sometimes dark period in their lives.

About Us

Nicky and Jo founded Invigor in 2020 during the global Coronovirus pandemic.

They both experienced the crippling impact of their changing bodies. For Jo it was heart palpitations, brain fog and aching joints.

For Nicky it was weight gain, anxiety and night sweats.

About Us

Nicky and Jo founded Invigor in 2020 during the global Coronovirus pandemic.

They both experienced the impact of their changing bodies.

For Jo it was heart palpitations, brain fog and aching joints.

For Nicky it was weight gain, anxiety and night sweats.

They are qualified fitness instructors and united by their passion for helping women in their 40s and 50s to thrive in midlife, they created Invigor Life.They want to re-educate and support women to grow in confidence and not just survive during what has traditionally been a challenging and sometimes dark period in their lives.

Nicky Watt

Over the last 20 years I have made it my mission to help women get and keep fit.

I’m a qualified personal trainer, Kettlercise, Boxercise and BootCamp Instructor.

In the 90s, it was all about step, grapevines, huge classes and choreographed moves.

Later, after having children, it was all about restoring core strength and strength training new Mums for their busy lives.

Now, well now, I am many years older! My 1:1 clients and I are all experiencing the symptoms of perimenopause. So, it's time to change focus again.

My belief that women needed to lift weights was backed up by sooooo much science, especially during the menopause journey, it just couldn’t be ignored. Completing the 3rd Age Menopause certification was the start of this next part of the journey.

So today I am passionate about supporting women to maintain strength for everyday life – for the rest of their life!

Jo Little

I'm passionate about supporting women in their midlife to find their mojo, get fit, healthy and happy again.

I'm a fully qualified Personal Trainer, Purestretch and Kettlercise Instructor and Nutrition and Weight Management Coach.

In 2019 I completed the Burrell Education 3rd Age Woman Certification programme.

I love the outdoors, running, cycling, hiking, zip lining… you name it, I will try it! 

I have not always been like this. I know from experience how hard it can be to overcome the very real physical and psychological challenges that so many of us face in order to lead a healthy life.

Whether you feel guilty about wanting some ‘me time’ outside of the family, you’re suffering from a lack of confidence in your ability, or a general fear that it is simply too late to change your lifestyle, I want to help you.

Our Contributors

Dr Mandy


Dr Many Leondhart

My name is Dr Mandy Leonhardt and I am a fully qualified and GMC registered GP. I am particularly interested in women’s health and my ongoing professional development reflects this passion. I offer a private clinic which specializes in the holistic assessment and individualized treatment of hormonal imbalances at every stage of a woman’s life: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Postnatal Depression, Perimenopause and Menopause. My aim is to give women the best evidence based, personally tailored advice about treatment options for hormonal imbalances and healthy ageing.

During my consultations I will discuss treatments that are available both on the NHS, as well as privately and include hormone replacement therapy, nutrition, lifestyle and supplements.



Jane is a registered Nutritional Therapist (DipION, mBANT, CNHC)

Jane experienced the power of nutrition with her own health and now helps women to access the help she was lacking.

Since 2014 she been providing realistic nutrition & lifestyle advice that is tailored to pre, peri or post-menopausal health. Her specialisms in digestive, urinary & vaginal health are closely linked to midlife health.

Her online clinic focuses on identifying the underlying imbalances that are driving current symptoms and to nurture her clients through all life stages. She loves to empower women to take control of their health with a variety of practical resources.Jane supports HSPs (Highly Sensitive People) to thrive in a world that overwhelms. She is also a Trauma Informed Practitioner, skilled in recognising the links between your past, your present health (and how to positively influence your future).

For many women this is an important piece of the puzzle in their midlife journey. For more information visit

Liz Knowles

I'm passionate about supporting women in their midlife to find their mojo, get fit, healthy and happy again.

I'm a fully qualified Personal Trainer, Purestretch and Kettlercise Instructor and Nutrition and Weight Management Coach.

In 2019 I completed the Burrell Education 3rd Age Woman Certification programme.

I love the outdoors, running, cycling, hiking, zip lining… you name it, I will try it! 

I have not always been like this. I know from experience how hard it can be to overcome the very real physical and psychological challenges that so many of us face in order to lead a healthy life.

Whether you feel guilty about wanting some ‘me time’ outside of the family, you’re suffering from a lack of confidence in your ability, or a general fear that it is simply too late to change your lifestyle, I want to help you.

Dr Sam Hunt

Dr Many Leondhart

Dr Hunt is a Consultant Dermatologist with a keen interest in inflammatory skin disorders including psoriasis, acne, eczema, rosacea, drug rashes and pruritus. She ran the psoriasis and biologics service in Portsmouth for the last 10 years until taking up her new post in Winchester where she has developed a similar service.Dr Sam Hunt approached us when we first launched the course as she was treating a significant number of Menopausal women for various hormonally affected skin disorders.

She thought it would be useful to reach out on this subject and offer more education.

Her other interests include sun damage, skin cancer and pre-cancer. She undertakes surgical procedures for the diagnosis and management of these conditions. She is a member of the local skin cancer multidisciplinary team. She also undertakes skin checks and mole screening. She has extensive experience in the management of benign skin lesions including moles, cysts, lumps and bumps.

During my consultations I will discuss treatments that are available both on the NHS, as well as privately and include hormone replacement therapy, nutrition, lifestyle and supplements.

Nicky Watt

Over the last 20 years I have made it my mission to help women get and keep fit.

I’m a qualified personal trainer, Kettlercise, Boxercise and BootCamp Instructor.

In the 90s, it was all about step, grapevines, huge classes and choreographed moves.

Later, after having children, it was all about restoring core strength and strength training new Mums for their busy lives.

Now, well now, I am many years older! My 1:1 clients and I are all experiencing the symptoms of perimenopause. So, it's time to change focus again.

My belief that women needed to lift weights was backed up by sooooo much science, especially during the menopause journey, it just couldn’t be ignored. Completing the 3rd Age Menopause certification was the start of this next part of the journey.

So today I am passionate about supporting women to maintain strength for everyday life – for the rest of their life!

Jo Little

I'm passionate about supporting women in their midlife to find their mojo, get fit, healthy and happy again.

I'm a fully qualified Personal Trainer, Purestretch and Kettlercise Instructor and Nutrition and Weight Management Coach.

In 2019 I completed the Burrell Education 3rd Age Woman Certification programme.

I love the outdoors, running, cycling, hiking, zip lining… you name it, I will try it! 

I have not always been like this. I know from experience how hard it can be to overcome the very real physical and psychological challenges that so many of us face in order to lead a healthy life.

Whether you feel guilty about wanting some ‘me time’ outside of the family, you’re suffering from a lack of confidence in your ability, or a general fear that it is simply too late to change your lifestyle, I want to help you.

Our Contributors

Dr Mandy Leonhardt

My name is Dr Mandy Leonhardt and I am a fully qualified and GMC registered GP. I am particularly interested in women’s health and my ongoing professional development reflects this passion. I offer a private clinic which specializes in the holistic assessment and individualized treatment of hormonal imbalances at every stage of a woman’s life: Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), Postnatal Depression, Perimenopause and Menopause. My aim is to give women the best evidence based, personally tailored advice about treatment options for hormonal imbalances and healthy ageing.

During my consultations I will discuss treatments that are available both on the NHS, as well as privately and include hormone replacement therapy, nutrition, lifestyle and supplements.

Jane Barrett

Jane is a registered Nutritional Therapist (DipION, mBANT, CNHC)

Jane experienced the power of nutrition with her own health and now helps women to access the help she was lacking.

Since 2014 she been providing realistic nutrition & lifestyle advice that is tailored to pre, peri or post-menopausal health. Her specialisms in digestive, urinary & vaginal health are closely linked to midlife health.

Her online clinic focuses on identifying the underlying imbalances that are driving current symptoms and to nurture her clients through all life stages. She loves to empower women to take control of their health with a variety of practical resources.Jane supports HSPs (Highly Sensitive People) to thrive in a world that overwhelms. She is also a Trauma Informed Practitioner, skilled in recognising the links between your past, your present health (and how to positively influence your future).

For many women this is an important piece of the puzzle in their midlife journey. For more information visit


Dr Sam Hunt

Dr Hunt is a Consultant Dermatologist with a keen interest in inflammatory skin disorders including psoriasis, acne, eczema, rosacea, drug rashes and pruritus. She ran the psoriasis and biologics service in Portsmouth for the last 10 years until taking up her new post in Winchester where she has developed a similar service.Dr Sam Hunt approached us when we first launched the course as she was treating a significant number of Menopausal women for various hormonally affected skin disorders.

She thought it would be useful to reach out on this subject and offer more education.

Her other interests include sun damage, skin cancer and pre-cancer. She undertakes surgical procedures for the diagnosis and management of these conditions. She is a member of the local skin cancer multidisciplinary team. She also undertakes skin checks and mole screening. She has extensive experience in the management of benign skin lesions including moles, cysts, lumps and bumps.

During my consultations I will discuss treatments that are available both on the NHS, as well as privately and include hormone replacement therapy, nutrition, lifestyle and supplements.

Liz Knowles

I'm passionate about supporting women in their midlife to find their mojo, get fit, healthy and happy again.

I'm a fully qualified Personal Trainer, Purestretch and Kettlercise Instructor and Nutrition and Weight Management Coach.

In 2019 I completed the Burrell Education 3rd Age Woman Certification programme.

I love the outdoors, running, cycling, hiking, zip lining… you name it, I will try it! 

I have not always been like this. I know from experience how hard it can be to overcome the very real physical and psychological challenges that so many of us face in order to lead a healthy life.

Whether you feel guilty about wanting some ‘me time’ outside of the family, you’re suffering from a lack of confidence in your ability, or a general fear that it is simply too late to change your lifestyle, I want to help you.

NO more expensive gym membership, no more faddy diets, no more feeling confused and worried about what is happening to your body.

6 FREE strategies6 Weeks of education and action4 Weeks to kick your nutrition into touch.

In just 3 months, if you have implemented our strategies, watched our expert presentations, completed our strength workouts, and tweaked your nutrition - you WILL feel transformed, no longer on the path of midlife limbo, but stronger in mind and body and have rediscovered the 'YOU' you used to be!